One fake shot a day
Joey, my 17-year-old man furbaby, had an appointment at the vet on Friday. Joey needs a check up every six months because he is an old man. He gets his geriatric profile and diabetic check up.
Joey hates getting into his carrier. And I had to do it by myself Friday morning. It was a struggle getting him into the box. Once in the exam room while we were waiting for Dr. Miller Joey seemed more anxious than normal as he was whining and crying way more than usual. The barking dog outside our room probably contributed to both our angst. Joey wasn’t too excited to be examined by the vet. Once Dr. Miller was listening to Joey with the stethoscope Joey was getting pissy. As Dr. Miller started to feel Joey and check on his newly made bald spots on his body (apparently old man cats pull out their hair) Joey started growling and hissing. I got a little nervous as I did not want to get bit by my super unhappy probably angry cat.
Yesterday Dr. Miller called to give results of the tests and blood work. It is possible that Joey's diabetes is reversing. So we are going to one shot a day and will have Joey's fructosamine checked again in a month. The last time he was at the vet and had tests done they found that he was in very early renal failure. This time around it has advanced. So Joey is now taking potassium to help with his kidney function. The diet he is on right now for his diabetes is low carb, high protein. For kidney issues they usually want them to be on a diet that is low in protein. We will have a better idea of things in a month when we go back for more blood work.
Joey is very used to getting two shots a day. On the weekends he actually wakes me up to tell me it is time for his shot. After a shot he gets treats. So he wants the shot. So yesterday and today we gave him a kitty placebo--we poke him in the back of the neck with a pen. He seems satisfied with that and waits for his treats after his fake shot. We'll see how long the fake shot lasts. Especially if he ends up not needing any insulin shots.
Keep my furbaby in your thoughts. I want him to feel good and not be in any pain ever. I have had my furbaby for almost half my life. I have had him for 17 1/2 years.