Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Love Trap

One of the radio stations I listen to has something called Love Trap. Someone suspects that their significant other is cheating. The DJs call and pretend like the person is getting something for free: massage, flowers, candy, underwear, etc. And they ask who they want to send it, too. Most of the time the dope sends it to the person they are cheating with.
The guy today was a total dope. He got caught red-handed. He told his girlfriend the reason he cheated--tho. he said nothing happened--was because she was too cheap to pay for cable so he is bored. What a moron. She told him she was cutting off paying on his truck. At the end of the call the guy asked the DJs if he was still gonna get his candy. His name was Troy. They update the Love Traps pretty often, day off. So it should be there soon.

One of my e-mail subject lines said ...

3 tips to dance your way into her pants
I hate getting that garbage!


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