Sunday, April 17, 2011

Naps, wine, good food, beer

On Friday both Curt and I worked from home. I am going to try to make that a regular occurrence on Fridays. The past Friday worked out pretty well. I got a lot done with few interruptions.
Friday was also Joey's birthday. He turned 17. Joey's gifts were a fake mouse, which claims to make real-life mouse sounds, and Cat Sip, which is milk that cats can actually drink and digest. In Joey's old age (84 in human years) he is starting to go deaf. So the real-life mouse sounds don't mean much to him. (<----There's Joey checking out his new toy.)
Saturday night I had dinner with some girlfriends from the gym to celebrate a couple of birthdays. We had good food and good wine. It was a fun night.
Today was relaxing and lazy. Curt's friend Toni came over to watch soccer this morning. He brought us some Mexican pastries from the Mission. Yum! Eventually Alexa came over to hang out. Unfortunately it was right when I had to leave for my yoga class.
After yoga Curt and I headed to McNally's. I had one beer and then was ready for a nap.
So that's what I did, came home and napped and lounged and watched Lifetime.
I talked to both the moms today. Today was Marilyn's birthday. Sounds like she had a good day and a great birthday weekend.
I was hoping to tackle the pit of the spareroom in our place. But I didn't. Maybe next weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Joey!!!!
Grandma will bring you a present in June. Thanks foe the SW itinerary. Hugs -M

Monday, April 18, 2011 2:20:00 PM  

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