Monday, April 20, 2009

Nice, warm, sunny weekend

Friday night after work I treated myself to a mani/pedi. I used to go for one about every 3-4 weeks. I have cut that back to about every other month. In between I give myself a home mani/pedi--not quite as good, but the price is right.
After that I met Curt and two friends at The Trappist. I didn't have a beer. I just hung out and chatted.
After that Curt and I decided to stop at Sushiya for dinner. We hadn't been there in some time. Delicious as always.

Saturday I hit the gym for my regular 2-hour workout, groceries and domestic chores around the house. (Also, working on a knitting project--more than half way done.)
I have had a hell of a time keeping the grout in our tub clean. So I decided to try baking soda paste (just add water) and vinegar and water in a spray bottle. I still needed a little elbow grease. But it worked really well. I bought a tile grout brush (which looks something like this) and used that. The grout is old and some of it looks gross no matter how hard I scrub. And if I scrub too hard the grout falls out.

Sunday Curt and I walked to Longs (this amazing drug store, which is almost like Target) to get more stuff for the garden.
We planted yellow onions and broccoli in the garden plot (both seeds) and two more roma tomato plants.
In pots we planted some daisies, catnip seeds, zinnia seeds and Hungarian peppers. In the front of our house we planted Bay Area wildflowers.
I know the catnip will grow crazy. I planted some in a pot when I lived in Oregon and it went nuts. We'll see about the other stuff.
Oh, our radishes are already sprouting.
I have a major house project going on to ... our home office is a pit. I haven't done a very good job lately of filing our bills, important papers, etc. I am finding old credit card receipts from 2005. Yes, I have a ton of shredding to do. I have gone through almost every box and drawer. Still have a few more to go. Then I can start filing appropriately and shredding. I have so much shredding to do I will likely burn mine out and have to buy a new one.
Then I gotta tackle that closet. Ugh! Our spare room/office is a dumping ground. Luckily we haven't had any guests lately or that would be embarrassing.

OK, I think you have enough fill of my weekend.


Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...

I need to try your grout trick!

Monday, April 20, 2009 5:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the garden is coming along great! It was good chatting with you. Hugs -M

Monday, April 20, 2009 6:49:00 PM  
Anonymous jodie said...

Yay for gardening! My carrots are sprouting up nicely. I even have corn going and string beans. I hope you post pictures as your garden develops.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:51:00 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I actually read about the vinegar and baking soda in Cat Fancy while at the vet recently. They talked about how you can use it around your pets--because all natural and not harsh, but at the same time can clean some serious grossness--like grout in the shower.
Yup, Jodie, I will be updating with some pics soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 5:50:00 PM  

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