Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"My baby" is 27 months

I have blogged about this before, but it has been some time. Anyway, soon after Curt and I got married he started getting catalogs and coupons for "our baby." Lately, I have been getting some stuff. We got some coupons from Huggies or Pampers the other day telling us our baby is 27 months old. Even at one point Berkeley sent us a letter asking if we wanted to put our baby in some trial. I really have no idea why we started getting this stuff and why it has followed us from Phoenix to Berkeley to Oakland. And initially all the stuff was coming for Curt. We thought maybe it was a joke from somebody.


I was out of the office Monday and when I came back Tuesday it was like I had been gone a year. I was so busy and overwhelmed. I hate days like that. I never have any time to do my project work. And I have a self-eval due next week.
Curt talks about his shoulder and procedure on his blog if you would like to read more. I am so glad he is not in pain anymore and can actually move his arm/shoulder the way he is supposed to. He had a procedure on Monday to have it put where it is supposed to be.

Weird fog bank

So it was sunny and clear this morning. Once I got into Emeryville I noticed a big cloud cover hovering. When I got closer to the clouds I realized it was fog. So for like a minute I was driving in fog and then clear, bright and sunny again. Bizarre.


Blogger JenC said...

that is funny that you get baby stuff in the mail. i get predominantly republican and aarp junk mail. i think the family values people are after us! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:49:00 AM  

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