Monday, August 27, 2007

HOLY #@$%!!!!!!!

Gonzales resigns. Well, about freakin time. "AG Gonzales resigns" was the banner hed on the Chronicle Web site this morning. I couldn't believe it. Gimme a break: "Bush said the attorney general's 'good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons.' " C'mon people!!!!

Hanging out

Mia, Todd, Lexie and Cooper came over yesterday to hang out. We walked around our neighborhood a bit and then found a restaurant to have dinner. It was a good time. It is always an adventure with Cooper. But he did a pretty good job at the table. He is turning 5 soon and seems excited about his Star Wars birthday party. Lexie is always so good at the dinner table. And she is fun to have a conversation with. Cooper didn't want to leave our house--that is how fun Curt and I are. :)
I always have fun hanging out with Mia and Todd and the kids. I love having little friends again. I missed that.
Mia told me the other day that Lexie was asking about me and Curt and when she was gonna see us again. Awww!
Lexie is at work today with Mia for half day and then will go with Todd for half day. No day camp and school starts tomorrow. She was showing me Neopets on the laptop. Had cool music and seemed like fun.
I told her if she got bored playing Neopets she could come up with me and do some work. HA!


Blogger hollibobolli said...

I just don't get the Neopets thing. I wonder if they'll still be around by the time Faith gets old enough to figure them out. I can't imagine what they'll have by then.. probably animals that jump out of the computer and virtually attack you!

Good grief - these word verifications are getting so hard to read!

Monday, August 27, 2007 11:40:00 AM  

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