Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's raining, it's pouring

Man, we have had a ton of rain lately, which is good, of course. But when your back parking slab is a baby pool and you have to get to your car in long pants and heels while holding your big ol' purse, gym bag and lunch bag it can be quite a task.
It was pounding last night and the night before.

So, when at work I am on IM. I use a Web site called meebo to IM on more than four IMs at once. I noticed yesterday that there is now some trivia.
Such as:

Sneezes travel out of your mouth at over 100 mph.
No words rhyme with orange, purple or silver.
Men are struck by lightning four times more often than women.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess our higher fat content keeps us safer?

Thank goodness it finally came in handy for something.

P.S. Glad to hear Grandma Phyllis is feeling better.

Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:41:00 AM  

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