Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The link to this story was posted on the WW message boards. It's about a woman losing 110 pounds with WW. Just thought I would pass her inspiring story along.

And why is Victoria Beckham defending the "Cruises" about their Scientology. Um, if I recall correctly Tommy put himself out there for criticism and ridicule all on his own. So I say if the "media" wants to criticize they can! So shut it.
"There's been so much made of the Scientology, the this, the that." Um, yes, there has been so much made of the Scientology because Tom talked about it over and over again. Judged people, told them they were doing things wrong (and told them they were glib), put up a Scientology tent on the set of War of the Worlds. (And when did he study psychology?)
John Travolta (it breaks my heart) is also a Scientologist. But he pretty much keeps that to himself. He isn't out there flaunting it or telling the rest of us we should take vitamins and exercise and that will cure our chemical inbalances.

OK, off my little soapbox for now.

Oh, Curt told me last night that one of our tomato plants has 19 tomatoes! Holy cow! I was looking at the plants this morning. There are lots of tomatoes. I love tomatoes raw and cooked. Actually I pretty much like all vegetables raw or cooked. Maybe I will have to take some updated photos of our tomato babies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that the Beckhams are moving to Beverly Hills and will be living on the same street as ... yes, the Cruises.

Worthless information that I thought I'd share. (:

Saturday, July 14, 2007 2:54:00 AM  

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