Monday, May 16, 2005

A Joey blog

I realized tonight that I don't talk about Joey in my blogs. And after I thought about that I realized that there isn't much to say about my fur baby. He has adjusted well to our new home. He has never had a problem with any of the moves he has had to endure--whether moving across town, in an airplane or on a long road trip.
He has recently started sitting outside the bathroom waiting for Curt or me to get out of the shower so he can jump in the bathtub. He has done this before--but it is in waves. He didn't do it when we lived in Mesa or Phoenix. But he did it when I lived in a cottage in Salem. And I had sliding doors to my shower--and he was able to open them. Amazing little kitty. Anyway, he gets in there and walks around and laps up water. Very gross. And I don't quite understand since he has fresh water sitting next to his food bowl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess animals are just like that. Bear hates thunderstorms, so as you know, when the weather is stormy I let him into the inner part of the basement. I also put his food and water inside. But he will never drink from his water dish. Everytime I let him in, he makes a direct beeline for the toilet stool. It's just a dog thing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:58:00 PM  

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