Monday, October 08, 2007

It's My Birthday ...

Not Really. Party Anyway. (Song written by Jackson Poff, 4.)
Actually, it is the eve of my birthday. Tomorrow is the big 33.
I have lots of friends and family members who have October birthdays. (Libra power!)

Oct. 1 Co-worker and friend Alex
Oct. 3 Friend Monica
Oct. 4 Co-worker and friend Tony
Oct. 9 ME ME ME!!!
Oct. 10 Co-worker Julie
Oct. 12 Friend Shelly
Oct. 14 Friend Jen
Oct. 16 Friend Gail
Oct. 17 Nephew Jackson; this was also my grandpa's birthday
Oct. 21 Cousin Alison; new friend Bernadette
Oct. 28 Co-worker and friend Toni; Little friend Sasha (Not Libras, but I still like them. :) )

Also, Oct. 10 is my 2-year anniversary at Onyx. (I started as a temp in April 2005. But I became permanent in Oct. 2005.) And mine and Curt's wedding anniversary is also in October--the 25th.

If I forgot anyone in the birthday listing please, please, please forgive me. I pride myself on remembering birthdays. But I have to say lately I have been slacking in that department.

Anyway, tomorrow I am taking the day off! I never work on my birthday. I will go shopping in the morning, take my yoga class and then a massage. Curt and I will have sushi at Sushiya for dinner--our birthday tradition.
I decided to start another tradition tomorrow. For the Poff family we pick names for the adults for Christmas gifts. Lately I have taken the drawing over. (And you all know how I like to get my Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving--I wonder who I got that idea from??? The woman who was in labor with me for 36 hours. The woman who had to be put out. My poor mama wasn't even awake when I was born!) Anyway, I think I will draw the names tomorrow (with Curt's help, of course.) So you Poffs get ready!


Blogger Jodie said...

I have three friends with October birthdays. Oh wait. I just counted FOUR. Wait. Five. Sheesh. That's a lot. Oh, and my sister. That makes six.

You know what that means? January was a busy month for couples!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 12:42:00 AM  

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