Monday, October 30, 2006

100 ///// $2.39

I was watching CNN this morning while getting ready for work. The 100th U.S. soldier was killed in Iraq in October--which has been the deadliest month since the war started. While looking up the total death toll I found an article that says 101 for October. The total is more than 2,800. Yikes! Whatever the number, is oil worth all of these deaths? And what about all the Iraqi civilian deaths? I am grateful that I have no family members or friends over there. I feel very badly for those who do.

I was going to say in other news, but I guess it is really, in related news ... (sad, very sad)
Gas prices keep going down. Driving to work this morning I saw gas for $2.39 a gallon.

In really unrelated news, the packing is really coming along. Tomorrow evening after work we will meet our new landlord, Rosalie, to get the keys to our new place. My goal is to get all or most of my craft stuff over there tomorrow night. That will free up some room for more packed boxes at our old place.
I will be sending out our new info soon: address and phone number. We tried to keep our old number--but we couldn't.


Blogger JenC said...

i heard on some radio news program that the gas prices are related somehow to the election... like "yay republicans, you've made the economy so much better."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:51:00 PM  

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