Friday, December 30, 2005

Winding down

Went to the Desert Museum with Dad and Curt yesterday. It was a beautiful day--high 60s. Most of the animals were out--saw like 10 javelinas all napping together. That was pretty cute. One of the otters was showing off his marvelous swimming skills. We saw an Ocelot--Curt's fave and some other sun-soaking animals. We took pics while there--promise to post those soon. I hope to do that over the weekend once we are back in Berkeley.
After the Desert Museum we stopped by the Tucson Citizen for Dad to check on something. Then back to the house.
Curt and I then headed to my Aunt Gen and Uncle Lee's house (Alison and Emily, too). We had a yummy dinner and great conversation. I always laugh a lot when I am with that bunch. We had a good time. Thanks for the good eats and good conversation guys! When we got home it was 11:30 I couldn't believe we had stayed there so late. Time flies when you are having fun.
I am doing some laundry and starting to get the suitcase packed up. We are heading over to my Mom's later. Dad and Hilda took off this morning for San Francisco. So we are staying at Mom's tonight. It will be much easier to leave from there (since we have Mom's car and she is taking us to the airport). Our flight is at 6:30 a.m. Ugh! But we had a direct flight from SFO to Tucson and back. And it is not easy to find direct flights to Tucson.
I think we are just gonna lay low at my mom's today. Curt has to help my grandma with her DVD player and I have to hit the horrid mall to get my engagement ring cleaned. I have to do that twice a year to maintain the warranty. And Dec. is one of the months--just my luck. So later I will go to Park Place for the cleaning. And I just might stop at a Clinique counter and stock up. Malls are a little scarce where we live. Not that I would go very often anyway.


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