Monday, March 12, 2007

Wacky weekend

Well, it wasn't all wacky.
Saturday night we had friends Mia and Todd over for dinner. Well, we took them out to dinner. They had us over to their place about 2 months ago for a wonderful home-cooked meal. So we returned with a dinner out at a great place in Rockridge--Marica.
We first hit McNally's for a drink, then dinner at Marica's, then a nightcap at George & Walt's.
Mia and Todd will soon begin redoing their kitchen. So they will be out of commission for a while. I told them we will have them over for dinner--and I will make the only thing I really can: enchiladas, rice and beans (and of course chips and salsa). For the kids: mac and cheese (another one of my specialties) or maybe SpaghettiOs. (Man, the choices they will have.)
Sunday I woke up all wacked out. Curt got up around 6 a.m. (which because of Spring Forward was really 7). I got up, went to the bathroom and passed out again in the bed. Eventually I woke up about 9:15 (but it was 8:15 to my body--which was still really sleeping in for me). I was totally out of it and tired. And Curt was crashed out on the couch.
Eventually I got going and went to run some errands for our St. Patty's Day party we are having this Saturday. I bought some stuff at a party supply store. And believe it or not, but Walgreen's had the green light bulb I wanted for our front porch. Later Curt and I went to BevMo to buy beverages for the party.
Then back to bumming around the rest of our Sunday. And now it is Monday and I am exhausted.
Why do we need to Spring Forward and Fall Back? Let's just stay at Spring Forward and be done with it already!


Blogger hollibobolli said...

I wish we could just keep getting an extra hour sleep over and over and over and over and over until we just hit the same spot again. But none of our clocks are in synch because some of them were set, some weren't and some auto-set. We're all screwed up here!


Monday, March 12, 2007 11:19:00 AM  
Blogger kate said...

yeah, this whole time change thing is crap. arizona has it right!!! every year i feel all ick inside for about a week until everything evens out. i keep doing the recalculation in my head. "hey its 9am time to get up but oh wait it is an hour earlier!!!" stupid.

Monday, March 12, 2007 11:51:00 AM  
Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...

Yup, us Arizonans know how to do (or not do) daylights savings time. But, we don't know how to do a lot of other stuff so it kind of evens out!

Monday, March 12, 2007 8:27:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Hey, be nice to Arizonans!
Yes, but the one thing they (we--I am a native Arizonan) do right is not Spring Forward or Fall Back. It makes no sense! Esp. in the winter--it already gets dark early.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:00:00 AM  

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