Saturday, January 21, 2006

Restless night

Early this morning I woke up around 2 a.m. Went to the bathroom and then climbed back in bed. Curt was snoring (not unusual). If I am awake and he is snoring it is tough for me to fall back asleep. I kept poking and nudging him. He would stop snoring for a few seconds and then start snoring again. Everytime his snoring pattern was different. Then twice he rolled over onto MY pillow. After about 45 minutes of that I grabbed a free pillow and went to the couch. Had very vivid and disturbing dreams. My dreams are always vivid and I never know they aren't real until I wake up--no matter how weird they are. I woke up many times. At one point I got up to see what time it was.
7:40 a.m--Well, I thought I should get up and go do the laundry. But I decided to get back into the couch and try to sleep more since I was so tired. I gave it a whole two hours. At some point Joey starts howling at the door and then out the window. I kept shhhhing him and telling him to shut up! He was driving me nuts. Eventually he stopped. But then he started racing around the apartment. He eventually stopped that and started meowing. Ugh! I gave up and turned on the TV and watched the end of "Finding Neverland."
Now I am exhausted. At least it is Saturday and I have nothing to do today but lie around, knit and watch Lifetime.
Usually before I blog I check out my friends' blogs. My friend Kate blogged today about sleeping issues. And Erica commented about her having issues this past week, too. Weird!


Blogger hollibobolli said...

I have had amnesia since college.. it's probably the biggest issue I deal with on a constant basis - and I hate it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:37:00 AM  

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