Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Outta touch

Sorry that my posts have been almost non-existent. I have been working 10 hour days and find little time to blog. I also come home exhausted and the last thing I want to do is talk about all the running around I am doing at work. I am doing my job, another admin's and covering some for our facilities guy who is on vacation. The admins split up his duties--but people want their cold bottled water in the fridge. And when it isn't there they get MAD! I have always appreciated Alonzo, our facilities guy, but I REALLY do now. He is a great person, fun and funny. He has been missed. Lucikly, he will be back next week.
Tomorrow I am leaving for San Diego. I can't wait. I fly out tomorrow afternoon. I have a Patent seminar on Thursday. I am staying through the weekend. Curt is meeting me down there Friday night. Saturday we will hang out on the beach. I can't wait for sun, sand and the sound of the ocean. Sunday we are going to a Padres game. And Sunday evening we come home. Quick weekend, but it will be nice.
Hope all is well with everyone else!


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